Whether you’re a world class athlete or a senior citizen living at home, good balance is very important. It can help you become a better athlete, or maintain your independence at home. As important as balance is, it can be a challenge, as well. In fact, thousands of injuries are attributed to balance issues each year.
Core PT believes that a strong sense of balance is a first line of defense to preventing injuries, and there are exercises you can do from the comfort of your own home to improve your balance. Use these exercises to give your life more balance and prevent injury.
Build a Strong Base
There are a lot of components that go into maintaining steady balance, but a good base is critical. Your legs hold you up, and making small adjustments to your gait or the way you stand can provide you more support and improve your balance. To improve your functional leg strength, you can do exercises as simple as shifting your weight from one leg to the other. Begin by standing on one leg for 30 seconds, then switch legs. You can go for longer as your balance improves.
Adding Weight
No, we’re not talking about explosive weight training with a lot of dynamic movements. Instead, use smaller, hand-held weights to make your balance exercises a little more challenging. This exercise involves doing the same exercise of standing on one leg, just with dumbbells. Start by standing on your right leg, holding a low-weight dumbbell in your left hand. Hold this pose for 30 seconds before switching arms and legs.
Physical Therapy
Sometimes, balance issues need to be treated with physical therapy. Our physical therapists are experts at helping improve your balance, and will design a program to meet your specific needs and goals. We also offer a wide range of physical therapy services to treat a variety of conditions. To learn more about how we can help improve your balance, contact us or visit one of our offices.