“Don’t worry, be happy.” That’s the running phrase, right? It’s easier sung than done. This is often because many people simply do not know how to relax or meditate in the middle of their chaotic lives. Too often, the first picture that comes to mind when thinking of relaxation is sitting on the couch at the end of a long day and watching reruns of a favorite TV show. It might sound easy, but that doesn’t mean you are doing your mind or body a service when it comes to relaxation. We will cover the different ways one can relax and sink into mediation for your overall health and well-being.
Some may roll their eyes at the idea and see relaxation as a privilege. However, it is imperative to your health and even an essential formula to success in other areas of your life. Stress levels are up overall in America, with at least 44% saying that their stress levels have grown over the last five years. Stress can take a large toll on the body and it’s important to learn how to manage it with relaxation.
Mind and Body Exercises
When you are stressed, the whole body and mind tighten. Yoga and Tai Chi are two popular exercises for relaxing through movement. They are both low impact and can be catered to any fitness level. It physically relaxes your body as you work on slow stretching and balance. It relaxes your mind as you breathe rhythmically through the movements, focusing on the task at hand and letting go of any daily stressors. They are both a form of mediation and physical relaxation.
In moments of deep stress or anxiety, you may find yourself holding your breath or taking very short breaths. This can cause your blood pressure to rise and can have a negative impact on the body. When you begin to feel this way, take a moment to try deep belly breathing. It’s a quick way to calm yourself down, anywhere.
While seated or lying down, place your hand on your belly and another on your chest. Slowly breathe in through your nose as you feel your belly inflate with air. Next, breathe out slowly through your slightly opened mouth while your hand caves in on your sinking belly. Do this as many times as you need until you feel yourself relax.
Establish a Bedtime Routine
There are many people who do not have a healthy bedtime routine established. Thirty minutes before you are ready for shut-eye, turn off all electronics. Truly let yourself mentally unpack your day instead of making sleep another activity you mark off a list. You will likely find yourself getting better sleep when you start the night off right.
You may be surprised to hear this, but adding in physical movement into any lifestyle will help you to relax. Putting stress on the body reduces stress in the mind. If you don’t feel like you are physically prepared for a strenuous workout, begin by adding a daily walk into your routine. Grab a buddy over the lunch hour and walk around your workplace.
Mediation has been known to help you mentally, but it can also have other benefits such as reducing chronic pain, depression and high blood pressure. There are many ways to meditate, such as yoga, mantra meditation (repeating a specific word) and basic breathing exercises. Choose whatever works best for you, in a quiet space where you focus on your breathing and nothing outside of what is happening in the present.
Physical therapists are experts in the movement of the body and are able to assist you in different techniques that promote relaxation and meditation. They do this because they believe in the benefits to your overall health.
If you are running out of ways to promote relaxation in your routine, please consider scheduling an appointment with us for assistance. In the state of Iowa, most insurance companies don’t require that you have a doctor’s note to see a physical therapist, so feel free to reach out to us today!