Justin is committed to being present and listening to each person, working 1 on 1 to bring the best service, techniques, tools, and recommendations based on their individual needs. His philosophy is deeply rooted and grounded in the body’s natural design and desire for health and wellbeing.
Justin is uniquely equipped to serve people at Core Physical Therapy. He is continuously expanding his knowledge and understanding to better serve people with the goal of creating health and well being in their life. Justin is the first-ever CPCRA certified physical therapist, and is proud to bring the work of Contact Reflex Analysis into physical therapy. CRA is an alternative approach to health and wellness. It’s a subtle, energy technique that is utilized to root-out any area of imbalance in the body that could be contributing to your symptoms, syndromes, and diseases. With this approach, patients have seen rapid and seemingly miraculous healings as they come into balance and function according to their potential.
Justin is committed to working with people who have tried traditional methods of medicine and didn’t get the results they wanted, are looking for an alternative treatment approach, or are stuck and want a guide to their desired health and wellness destination. These patients are people who enjoy life, are highly motivated and open minded, and want the highest value service available.
Outside of Core Physical Therapy, Justin enjoys being with his children and being interested in whatever they love. Justin enjoys opening his horizons with new activities and experiences that are outdoors, being at sporting events, traveling, and being with people.
SPECIALTIESBalance, Craniosacral Therapy, Custom Orthotics, Gait, Myofascial Release, Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Spinal Care, TMJ Disorders, Upper Extremity Rehabilitation, Visceral Manipulation, Wrist & Hand Rehabilitation
CERTIFICATIONSCertified Practitioner of Contact Reflex Analysis